Walking daily but still not losing weight? 7 surprising reasons why – Times of India

Daily walking comes with many perks for your well-being. From feeling happy and energetic to maintaining fitness, a little daily movement can work wonders for your health. However, not getting the desired results, despite regular walks, can be disheartening. If you are heading to your park every day for a walk, and still not shedding those extra kilos, there could be some reasons you may have overlooked. Let’s take a look:
1. You are walking at a slow pace
Slow-walkers may enjoy mental health benefits and it could be easy on the joints, but it may not reflect on their weighing scale if the intensity is not enough to get your heart rate up. It is advised to pick up the pace or climb stairs instead to deepen the effect of your workout.
2. Not walking for the right duration
Not walking enough will not get you desired results. If you do not have time or inclination for long walks, breaking it into 3-4 small walks post every meal can help. Walking for 15 minutes after every meal three times a day can also help in better sugar control.

3. A health condition
In case you are walking and exercising regularly and following a healthy diet, yet not losing weight, you could get in touch with your health expert to find out any underlying health conditions like thyroid issues, hormonal imbalance, or insulin resistance that could be affecting your weight loss journey.
4. You are stressed
High levels of stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which could impact your metabolism. This can interrupt your weight loss efforts. Take out some time to relax, meditate, and do activities of your choice to fix your stress hormones.
5. You are sleep-deprived
Not sleeping well in the night can contribute to weight gain and even regular walks may not be able to fix this. Studies have shown that people who sleep for a shorter duration tend to lose weight significantly compared to those who enjoy a longer and more qualitative sleep.

6. Side effect of your medicine
Your medication could also be behind that unwanted weight gain despite you taking out time for workout every day. Certain medications like antidepressants, steroids, and beta-blockers can affect metabolism and make weight loss more arduous.
7. You are eating fattening foods
Indulging in high-calorie and sugary foods will contribute to your expanding waistline despite walking or exercising every day. If you are taking in more calories than you can burn, it will show up in the form of weight gain.
If you are guilty of making some walking mistakes or overlooking certain lifestyle factors, it’s time to make corrections and move ahead in your weight loss journey.